By Graham Wellstead


An experienced ornithologist offers a comprehensive family-by-family guide to keeping cage and aviary birds. There are full-color photos of more than 300 birds, as well as charts and symbols designating recommended cage size, breeding requirements, hand-rearing techniques, and even the noise factor. General bird family groups considered in this volume are ducks and geese, birds of prey, pigeons and doves, pheasants and quail, parrots, small softbills, small seed eaters, and starlings and large softbills. Advice covers details of feeding, disease prevention and treatment, and troubleshooting to avoid costly and disappointing mistakes in bird housing, care, and breeding. Abundant attention is given to housing requirements for various kinds of bird. This includes descriptions of cages and aviaries and instructions for setting them up. Detailed information on practical hygienic considerations, breeding and incubation, international import and export laws, and various legal requirements connected with bird housing and breeding are among the many other things described and explained in this multifaceted book. Paperback / 160 Pages / 7-1/4" x 9-3/4" / 1997

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